I don’t have time to post much else than this urgent plea on Facebook. Trying to get help for the family. Apologies for the short post. If you can help, please do.
Attn friends in Austin, Texas or nearby:
Do you speak Arabic or know someone who does? ICE is holding an Iraqi mother and 3 children at Karnes detention center (2 hours away from Austin) and the father was sent elsewhere. No one there speaks Arabic, as this family is one of, maybe the only Arabic speaking family in Karnes. RAICES is asking for an Arabic speaker willing to drive to Karnes to lend emotional support to this scared mom while they handle her legal case. Their contact is 210-226-7722.
Update: The need is not immediate as in tonight because you have to be cleared for visitation first, unless you are a lawyer with a valid/active bar card and state ID. Anyone who can go please email virginiaraymond@austin.rr.com
(Feel free to share via copy and pasting.)