Campaign Action
Donald Trump is out to find programs that America doesn’t need. Programs like Meals on Wheels. Sure, it delivers food to millions of seniors, and by helping them stay in their homes it costs hundreds of times less than hospital care. Sounds trivial. It’s gone. And it’s not alone …
The complete elimination of the $3 billion Community Development Block Grant program, which funds popular programs like Meals on Wheels, housing assistance and other community assistance efforts.
Donald Trump is releasing his first budget Thursday morning, and it has a succinct message for the less than wealthy citizens of America: Die.
Trump’s budget wouldn’t just cut off food for seniors and housing assistance to the poor, it also has it in for job training and education. Not only would the budget slash training for unemployed youth and displaced workers, it has another strong message for seniors.
The White House’s proposal would eliminate the Senior Community Service Employment Program, which helps low-income job seekers age 55 and older find work by pairing them with nonprofit organizations and public agencies.
And that doesn’t even touch on some of the real fun of the budget. Like ending support for both NPR and PBS. Destroying the EPA’s ability to enforce the Clean Water or Clean Air Acts. And of course, gutting the State Department to free up more dollars for weapons, because it’s always better to fight a war than talk your way out of one.
Trump’s budget also completely does away with the endowment for the arts and cuts food for starving kids overseas right at the moment the worst famine in decades is kicking in. So the Trump budget kills not just arts and humanities, it also picks off lots and lots of humans.
Ignorant, unskilled, hungry, cruel and violent — that is what you wanted ... right Trump voters?
Trump’s budget does have its increases. There’s much more money for defense, so Trump can add ships the Navy didn’t ask for, build more planes that the Air Force doesn’t need, and in general make defense contractors moan in ecstasy. There’s also a lot more money for DHS — because deportation forces and walls don’t run cheap.
To pay for those programs Trump is ready to destroy … everything. In a ghoulish display that would make Ayn Rand turn away in horror, Trump’s budget sacks programs that directly feed and care for the poor, the elderly, and the disabled. Those hoping that Trump will bring back jobs better hope that he brings back the exact same jobs they already know, because funds for education and job training are gone. Military spending was already half of the discretionary budget, under Trump that number expands. Don’t like it? There’s plenty of room in the expanded Department of Homeland Security for someone to make you like it.
And of course, before the budget even begins with turning butter into guns, it does away with the things no one needs. Like culture.
A deep fear came to pass for many artists, museums, and cultural organizations nationwide early Thursday morning when President Trump, in his first federal budget plan, proposed eliminating the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. …
It was the first time a president has called for ending the endowments. They were created in 1965 when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed legislation declaring that any “advanced civilization” must fully value the arts, the humanities, and cultural activity.
Any advanced civilization. Well, that lets us out.