Donald Trump and White House staffers claimed Trump was having a weekend full of meetings at their not-racist-at-all “Southern White House”—better known as Mar-A-Lago, Donald Trump’s cash cow private club. On Saturday, the White House noted he was headed to meetings at another private club, the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. It would be his 10th time at a Trump-branded golf course in only 8 (long, long) weeks as president. Probably a total coincidence he only plays at clubs he owns, right? Anyway, the White House staff insisted he was there for meetings and calls.
One problem for POTUS and his staff. The Newsmax CEO tweeted a photo and it became clear Trump was not in high-level meetings, he was playing golf. Par for the course with this hypocritical president. Unless this is his special glove for dealing with veterans affairs or calling foreign leaders:
When confronted, the staff finally admitted the obvious:
The press pool reported he left the golf club after 4 1/2 hours and headed back to Mar-A-Lago. The average foursome takes around 4 hours to complete a round of golf. Total coincidence, we’re sure.
When the day was all said and done, the White House press office sent out a “Readout of the President’s Day” that was so absurd, Chris Geidner of Buzzfeed News straight up called it propaganda:
Geidner went on to break down the ridiculous, fake news readout of the president’s day. If you are so inclined, you can read his full breakdown here: President Trump's Day: March 18, 2017. If they are willing to lie about the little things, like playing golf, what else are they lying about? Here’s Trump in March 2016, only a year ago, bragging to an audience of adoring deplorables about how few vacations a hypothetical President Trump would take. “There’s no time for vacations!”
Nathaniel Meyersohn of CNN shared one Mar-A-Lago attendee’s photos where he brags of sneaking past the Secret Service to get to a private area.
Meanwhile, Senior NBC News Editor Bradd Jaffy compiled a list of Donald Trump tweets howling about President Obama for playing golf. What would pre-presidential Trump and fellow Republicans have to say if President Obama spent $3 million of taxpayer money per weekend to play golf 10 times in 8 weeks at clubs privately owned by Obama himself? I think we all know the answer to that. As usual, it’s only okay when Republicans do it.