House Intelligence Committee Chairman—and Trump transition team member—Rep. David Nunes (R-CA) gave a press gaggle Thursday a not so subtle warning to the press about pursuing the Trump-Russia connections.
I'm sure some of you are in contact with the Russian embassy so be careful what you ask for here, because if we get —if we start getting transcripts of any of you or other Americans talking to the press, then we can, do you want us to conduct an investigation on you or other Americans because you were talking to the Russian embassy? I just think we need to be careful.
This is the Nunes who said that there was "a lot of nothing" in the reports of National Security Advisor Mike Flynn's calls with the Russian ambassador weeks before the Trump administration was a thing. And after Flynn was forced to resign over "a lot of nothing":
Yeah, that’s not how this works. Congress doesn’t declare "executive privilege" on behalf of the executive branch. The branch it’s Congress’s duty to oversee.
Jeff Sessions isn’t the only one who needs to recuse himself—at the very least—on this issue. Between Nunes’s role on the transition and now his threats to the press? He needs to be gone.