Hell has frozen over.
Rahm “Liberal-Activists-Are-Fucking-Retarded” Emanuel shocked even himself yesterday when he agreed with Daily Kos front-pager and liberal activist, Egberto Willies.
To refresh everyone’s memory, Egberto penned a piece on Sunday titled:
Progressives are blowing 2018 by dedicating too many resources to Russia story
In that piece, Egberto wrote:
In watching the hyperventilation on Russia, it is clear that progressives are repeating the same mistakes of the last several elections that have decimated the Democratic bench throughout the states and in the federal government. The people's party, the Democrats, are out of step with the people.
Nothing in the Russia story will improve the personal economies of working-class Americans. It will not give them good health care. It will not rebuild infrastructure to provide jobs. It will not educate our children. So while working-class America continues to suffer from subpar wages, while they continue to see their health care costs rise, they hear a narrative that's anathema to their reality. The liberal intelligentsia, the Democratic establishment, is concentrating on a subject that will do absolutely nothing to make their lives better while at the same time giving President Charlatan an excuse for his inability to accomplish anything for the working class.
Of course, Egberto experienced severe blowback in the comments section of his piece, primarily from folks who would more often than not align themselves with a centrist like Rahm Emanuel.
Well, lo and behold, Rahm Emanuel agrees with Egberto!
When I asked Rahm Emanuel how he thinks Democrats around the country are doing in appealing to the middle class, he pretended he was about to pound the table with both hands: “That would be one physical expression,” he said.
“We don’t talk about and fight for the middle class like we are,” the famously expressive Chicago mayor said. “We believe we’re for them, but they don’t—if they don’t hear we’re for them, then we got a problem. It’s not just for the string of policies. It’s also a set of values that respect who they are in their lives.”
“We come off and can come off as a party disdainful of them,” he told me.
Egberto made clear that he was not arguing that we ignore the Trump-Russia story all together, rather, that we show some patience as the investigations move forward:
No one is asking that we ignore the Russia story. In fact, taking it off of the front burner as folks build a substantive, evidence-based case would be much more effective. Think of how impactful a breaking story would be—but one that is well-developed, where the Trump family's financial entanglements and collusion with Russia emerge with clarity. It would be much more effective than the daily Russian repetitiousness which causes everyone but the political junkies to switch to the Food Network, Discovery Channel, ESPN, or some other station to break said monotony.
Emanuel essentially agreed:
And Emanuel is worried. He thinks everyone in Washington is too focused on the crazy around President Donald Trump to see what’s actually going on—and what’s not.
I hope all of those who berated Egberto in the comments section of his diary will take a few moments and go to Politico and rip Emanuel in the comments section.
Oh, and Emanuel also said this about the Omaha mayoral race involving Heath Mello:
Take the mayor’s race in Omaha, where Democrats have divided over supporting Heath Mello, who co-sponsored several bills restricting abortion in the state senate. Cut it out, Emanuel said, and figure out how to win that race.
Someone call kos, quick!
Crazy times in the Democratic Party...