Three recent hits for Louise Mensch and Claude Taylor, all scooped well before NBC, to add to their impressive scorecard:
And it looks like a fourth hit is coming, that Rep. Chaffetz is resigning. She predicted that long ago.
To play devil’s advocate, her predictions of the timing of things has been off. I’m still waiting for any arrests! In her defense, her timing predictions are all carefully hedged, for example the Jeff Sessions prediction, but she certainly does insinuate. Also I suspect she’s purposely insinuating a speedier timing than is actually happening to deliberately rattle the perpetrators. So I forgive her, even if I lose yet another bet about arrests (if none happen by Saturday).
Lately she has been retweeting a lot of tweets about how “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven...” So I’ve decided to take all timing tweets of hers with a grain of salt and wait patiently for them to be fulfilled, as the predictions themselves do seem to eventually come to fruition.