You probably don’t think of yourself as a radical. You are probably thinking of a different conception of the word than I am addressing today. I’m not talking Robespierre quoting, spray paint wielding, window breaking anarchists. I’m talking about a different kind of radical here. I’m talking about the kinds of actions that subtly reinforce our humanity toward others or move toward breaking up the dominant interpersonal paradigms of society in the US.
To be aware is to be angry. That’s a simple fact. The question today is how do you funnel that anger into overt acts of subversion and revolution of ideas? In other words, how do you ally yourself with those working every day to make our society better? What do you do that you think of as radical?
But first, a word from our sponsors ...
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This all starts with Denise’s FP diary today. White allies: Thoughts and conversations for today's movement. Needless to say, the diary is powerful and I wanted to continue a thread of that conversation here tonight.
To begin with, we will use the parameters outlined by Yasuragi and Denise this morning.
Yas: How do you define white allies? What makes someone an ally and simply just not “against you”?
Dee: I define a white ally as someone who sees racism as a fundamental evil to be fought, who accepts and groks that being born with white skin grants you privilege, who does not have a problem with working under black leadership, and who doesn’t get bent out of shape when racism is addressed and immediately call the black (or POC) person addressing it a racist.
Yas: What frustrates you in would-be allies?
Dee: People who seem to be constantly defending the the fact that they are neither racist nor privileged, and take any discussion of systemic racism as a personal attack, or who act totally clueless about how to get engaged.
Yas: If someone does want to step up their game and be an ally, how can they go about it? I’ve seen people who have questions as to how to proceed and—I feel at least—it’s not up to poc to teach them. What do you suggest?
Dee: The first thing I suggest is that they join a black-led organization like the NAACP or Moral Mondays. The second is that they begin to read blogs and websites that are run by POCs or that focus on issues involving racism.
Where do we go from here?
Yes, I am a cis het White middle aged man in the US. And I thought Denise’s diary did a great job this morning of furthering a conversation that needs to happen. So, I am performing radicalism today by steering a small group of us toward an offshoot of Denise’s conversation about being a radical of any kind.
How Do I Define Radicalism?
It is pretty simple really. What do you do to Upset the Setup? How do you perform radical acts of love and affirmation and revolution, however you identify.
Brillig's ObDisclaimer: The decision to publish each nomination lies with the evening's Diarist and/or Comment Formatter. My evenings at the helm, I try reeeeallllyy hard to publish everything without regard to content. I really do, even when I disagree personally with any given nomination. "TopCommentness" lies in the eyes of the nominator and of you, the reader - I leave the decision to you. I do not publish self-nominations (ie your own comments) and if I ruled the world, we'd all build community, supporting and uplifting instead of tearing our fellow Kossacks down.
Note: Please remember that comment inclusion in Top Comments does not constitute support or endorsement by diarist, formatter, Top Comments writers or DailyKos. Questions, complaints or comments? Contact brillig.
from guest curator Yasuragi:
There were so many amazing comments that would almost work as stand-alone diaries in Dee’s diary. It's well worth reading the comments, even though there are over 300! I'm trying to keep up with them (they're still coming in), and will send you those that tell personal stories of folks' upbringing and experiences. The variety of ways in which many of us learned to become allies or, at least, be responsive when we see racism, is extraordinary.
from Cmv, here
from lcj2006 here
MsLibrarian has a wonderful comment, followed by more great stuff in the conversation that followed: here
from Rich in PA here
SpamNunn, and the continuation of the conversation, especially where he speaks about barbershops: here
pr0gressivist: here
rmonroe's short but sweet memory: here
teacherken: here
Krotor and the comments that follow: here
Kishik, and the thread that follows: here
David54: here
DocDawg: here
ProjectsKid: here
purplehawk: here
ramara: here
DaisiesArePretty (with more than one outstanding part): here
joedemocrat (who gets it that you have to listen): here
MargaretPOA: here
and from the MOT, nominated by thurayya:
Over @ MOT today we're talking about love. This comment by The grouch is funny and touching, and I had to send it to you.
Well over @ MOT today as usual we're covering a lot of ground. From love in its various forms to the treatment those who returned after serving in Vietnam received. The first comment is by exlrrp, And the second is a response from officebss.
Top Mojo for yesterday, May 6, 2017, first comments and tip jars excluded. Thank you mik for the mojo magic! For those of you interested in How Top Mojo Works, please see his diary on FAQing Top Mojo.
Top Pictures for yesterday, May 6, 2017. Click any picture to be taken to the full comment or picture. Thank you jotter!
Monday, May 8, 2017 · 2:25:33 AM +00:00
John M Webb
It occurs to me that I should share some POC voices that I have found helpful.
Very Smart Brothas is a wonderful blog that maintains a very good comment thread on its Facebook posts as well.
Son of Baldwin gives a very good place for Queer POC to gather and discuss.
I find DL Hughley’s Notes from the GED section provocative and the discussion lively.
Right here on dKos, chitownkev is one of my favorite writers anywhere and he does great comment maintenance as well.
And, go listen to as much Public Enemy and KRS-One as you can.