The sheer, mind-boggling stupidity of the typical Republican member of the U.S. Congress was on full display last Thursday:
On Thursday, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) praised the recent Islamic State attack in Tehran as a “good thing” and suggested that maybe the United States should work with the militant organization.
Just let that sink in. A radical, nihilist organization that regularly beheads civilians, rapes and sells women, and burns people alive in monstrous execution ceremonies for the sheer fun of it all gets a high-five “Attaboy” from a Republican member of Congress for shooting up some innocent people in Iran.
Here is Rohrabacher, in all his glorious idiocy:
“We have recently seen an attack on Iran, and the Iranian government, the mullahs, believe that Sunni forces have attacked them. This may signal a ratcheting up of certain commitments by the United States of America. As far as I’m concerned, I just want to make this point and see what you think, isn’t it a good thing for us to have the United States finally backing up Sunnis who will attack Hezbollah and the Shiite threat to us? Isn’t that a good thing? And if so, maybe this is a Trump — maybe it’s a Trump strategy of actually supporting one group against another, considering that you have two terrorist organizations.”
Leaving aside the guffaw-worthy notion that the Trump Administration possesses anything remotely close to a “strategy” in any realm of foreign affairs, the gang of murderous thugs known as ISIS are currently engaged in attempting to wipe out Iraq’s government which we are actively supporting, and are also threatening us and our European friends with mass murder on pretty much a daily basis. Of course that doesn’t even begin to address the moronic idea that supporting them would somehow, someway redound to our benefit.
Experts at the House hearing where Rohrabacher made the comments immediately refuted his comments.
“Those attacks were claimed by the Islamic State,” said Matthew Levitt, director of The Washington Institute’s Stein Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence at the conservative Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “It’s never in our interest to support a terrorist group like the Islamic State. We should condemn the attacks in Tehran, as we would condemn any act of terrorism, even as we hold Iran accountable for its sponsorship of terrorism.”
No, what this showcase example of the maggot-infested brain inhabiting the body of the typical Republican that slithers through the Halls of our Congress shows is just how much the anti-Muslim propaganda of Fox News and right-wing media can turn someone’s moral sense completely upside down. The absolute worst people humanity has ever spawned are suddenly the “good guys” because they attacked a shrine in Iran.
But this is more than just another revealing moment of Republican hypocrisy. In fact, this is a moment of shining clarity. This explains why no matter what horrible thing Trump does, whether he sells our national secrets to a hostile nation, whether starts a nuclear war, whether he drowns a baby on national television, it will never be held against him by the Republican Party.
A Party grown so accustomed to holding morally irreconcilable sentiments such that (in this single example) ISIS can become an ally if they only do something that incidentally furthers the GOP “ideology” is a party that has no morals, no sense of right and wrong, guiding it. That is why they can plot to destroy health care for millions only for the purpose of awarding huge tax cuts to multimillionaires. That is why they do not blink when they pillage and destroy our public lands for the sake of a few oil or mining conglomerates. That is why they can cut off funding programs for children’s health, for the poor, for the aged, without even thinking twice about it.
They can and will throw away their pretense of morality in a heartbeat if it only furthers their ideology.