TODAY the bills promoted by Republican leadership in the House and Senate are coming up for votes in each body. OUR CALLS to Republican legislators still on the fence — and to the governor, who opposed previous versions of these bills — can make a positive difference.
For expediency, I am reprinting here the call to action from our Legislative Affairs co-chair of the Washtenaw Dems circulated via email this morning. Please note that all the text below between the faint gray lines is quoted material up [with the exception of material within brackets like this]; I’m omitting the block quote for the sake of readability. Thank you for your calls.
The MPSERS reform bill (HB 4647) passed out of committee Wednesday and the Republicans will likely bring it to a floor vote Thursday. We still have time to try to stop this, but we need to act immediately. I have updated the list of targeted legislators based on our most recent information on who may be swayed. We need to flood these legislators with calls, particularly between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM Thursday to make our voices heard before they vote.
I have added another key point that needs to be mentioned in your calls and should be used as counterpoints to any push back that you may receive from staffers. It is in bold with the two other points from yesterday.
We must keep the pressure on them; our calls are making a difference.
Urge Republican Legislators and Governor Snyder to OPPOSE Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System (MPSERS) Reform and SUPPORT road funding instead.
- House and Senate Republicans have proposed budgets that leave hundreds of millions of dollars uncommitted, rather than putting that funding towards vital services or fixing our roads.
- Michigan Republicans are planning to use the uncommitted funds to eliminate the MPSERS hybrid pension plan, which increases costs about $680 million in 2018, $1.1 billion in 2019 and another $1.1 billion in 2020. Over 30 years it would increase costs about $20 billion.
- The current hybrid pension system is 100% funded and is critical to paying down the state's debt to retired teachers.
- The newly proposed compromised between Republican legislative leaders and the governor could increase risk for teachers and/or provide for a less robust retirement package.
- See the House Fiscal Agency Analysis here, and the articles here, here, here, her e, here, here, here, and here for more details.
- The newly proposed compromise increases risk to teachers by triggering the elimination of the plan if funding falls below a certain point.
- The share of the cost for teachers and schools decreases under the new plan, but the total cost to teachers and schools increase.
- The state should be responsible for any additional costs, they should not be passed on to teachers and schools.
- Don't create a new hybrid pension system that is set up to fail.
Hi, I am calling to ask Representative ____ to OPPOSE HB 4647 that eliminates the teacher hybrid pension system and SUPPORT increased road funding instead. Eliminating the hybrid pension program is fiscally irresponsible as it will cost the state billions of dollars and cause the debt owed by the state to retired teachers to spiral out of control. Over 80% of teachers choose the straight hybrid system.
Please vote to OPPOSE HB 4647 and any plan that destroys the hybrid option of the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System (MPSERS), including any plan currently being discussed by the legislature that could increase risk for teachers and/or provide a less robust retirement package. Putting the uncommitted budget funds towards the classroom, fixing our crumbling roads would be a far better use of resources than interfering with the successful MPSERS program. The future of Michigan depends on your support of fiscally responsible plans and supporting our infrastructure. Thank you.
Hi, I am calling to ask Senator ____ to OPPOSE SB 401 that eliminates the teacher hybrid pension system and SUPPORT increased road funding instead. Eliminating the hybrid pension program is fiscally irresponsible as it will cost the state billions of dollars and cause the debt owed by the state to retired teachers to spiral out of control. Over 80% of teachers choose the straight hybrid system.
Please vote to OPPOSE SB 401 and any plan that destroys the hybrid option of the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System (MPSERS), including any plan currently being discussed by the legislature that could increase risk for teachers and/or provide a less robust retirement package. Putting the uncommitted budget funds towards the classroom, fixing our crumbling roads would be a far better use of resources than interfering with the successful MPSERS program. The future of Michigan depends on your support of fiscally responsible plans and supporting our infrastructure. Thank you.
[NB: Recent developments are outstripping the earlier version of the script; my — pk’s — commentary below is in bold.]
[Proposed script to Snyder:]
Hi, I am calling to thank the governor for standing strong against pressure from some legislators to eliminate the teacher hybrid pensions system and to urge him to continue holding firm. I understand that it must be difficult for him to stand up against members of his own party. Eliminating the hybrid pension program is fiscally irresponsible as it will cost the state billions of dollars and cause the debt owed by the state to retired teachers to spiral out of control. [THE NEW COMPROMISE STILL INCLUDES SOME POISON PILLS IN TERMS OF “TRIGGERS” THAT COULD UNDERMINE RETIREMENT PLAN STABILITY. IT’S WRONG TO HIDE THE DETAILS OF THIS AND PUSH THROUGH A VOTE ON PARTY LINES WHEN THE WHOLE STATE WILL BE AFFECTED BY THIS LEGISLATION.] The plan currently being discussed by the legislature could provide teachers greater risk in their retirement and/or provide a less robust retirement package. I appreciate the governor acting in the best interest of Michiganders and urge him to [continue RENEW] his OPPOSITION to any plan that reduces the quality of retirement options through the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System (MPSERS). GOV. SNYDER MADE THE MOST FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE CHOICE WHEN HE BUCKED HIS COLLEAGUES IN THE LEGISLATURE TO SUPPORT MEDICAID EXPANSION IN MICHIGAN. I urge the governor to continue to stand strong against political pressure [ONCE AGAIN] and to protect his legacy as a fiscally responsible leader.
Thanks, everyone. I realize that it is a hard time to be a Michigan resident. Time to resist, insist, persist, enlist!
I am posting this early in hopes of generating a few calls as soon as possible. Let’s see what develops today; the legislature may well be in session late into the evening.
Please help us build this weekly Michigan thread so that it includes any information relevant to turning MI Blue again that you would like me to highlight. MI contributors are always welcome! You can reach me through kosmail at peregrine kate. Or say hi through email here: And please follow me on Twitter @peregrinekate
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