America to congressional Republicans: “We do not like your healthcare bill. No, really, can we talk about how little we like this bill?” A new poll finds just 17 percent approve of the Senate Trumpcare bill, while 55 percent disapprove. According to the NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist poll:
While Democratic opposition to the bill, as expected, is high, GOP support for the Senate GOP's plan is very soft. Twenty-one percent of Republicans oppose the bill and just 35 percent support it. Sixty-eight percent of independents also oppose the proposed legislation.
That means, if you’re keeping track, that 39 percent of Republicans are claiming not to have heard enough about it to have an opinion. By contrast, 13 percent of Democrats and 17 percent of independents say they haven’t heard enough to have an opinion. So that is either a giant outbreak of Republicans who genuinely haven’t paid attention to and don’t have opinions about their party’s signature legislation, or a position of convenience for people who either don’t want to face what their party is about to do to them or don’t want to admit their opposition.
Interestingly enough, Obamacare also gets 17 percent in the poll … but it’s a rather different 17 percent. That’s the number who said they wanted Obamacare left exactly as it is. But 46 percent said they wanted it changed to do more. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans are focused on changing it to do less, a position held by just seven percent of people polled.
Senate Republicans are still talking Trumpcare, and plan to bring it back after the July 4 recess. We absolutely MUST make sure they don’t have the votes. Keep calling your Republican senators at (202) 224-3121. Tell them “NO DEAL” on Trumpcare. Then, tell us how it went.