It was a given from the moment Donald Trump opened his mouth to defend rallying white supremacists and Nazi groups in Charlottesville that the administration's "Infrastructure Week" was going to be a hot, molten mess. Now it’s resulted in the collapse of his would-be Advisory Council on Infrastructure before it managed even a single meeting.
The council, which was still being formed, would have advised Trump on his plan to spend as much as $1 trillion upgrading roads, bridges and other public works.
The action follows Trump announcing on Wednesday that he was disbanding two other business advisory councils.
Presumably its abandonment is for the same reason that two other "advisory" bands of CEOs were axed earlier in the week: the corporate heads being cajoled into taking positions on the council were, in the wake of Trump’s outbursts, no longer willing to sign their names to his ongoing catastrophe of an administration.
So: are we getting tired of all the winning, America? It feels like we're getting tired of all the winning.