If you go on Twitter and search “#civilwar” you will be horrified, disgusted and enraged at best, alarmed at worst. This is basically a thread for Trump supporters to threaten the country with civil war if Trump goes down in some way, whether it be impeachment, charges via Mueller or what-have-you. I was thinking of sharing a few examples, but I don’t even want to put that energy onto this site. If you want to see, do the search yourself.
But what is far worse — and I feel almost sick writing this — the hashtag is also being pushed by Russian trolls/bots. It almost didn’t register when I first saw it, for disbelief. My emotions don’t want to accept it. But my intellect knows it’s not in the slightest bit implausible.
My source here is the website Hamilton 68, introduced in this diary. It tracks the activities of 600 Twitter accounts known to be linked to Russian influence operations. Check it out.
“#civilwar” is showing up as being influenced under “Trending Hashtags” as per the image above, meaning Russian cyber-warriors are using it in a lot of tweets. I’ll be watching Hamilton 68 to see what it does over the next hours and days.
My interpretation is that now that Putin has learned that Trump won’t be able to repeal the sanctions that so threaten the mob money-and-murder machine that keeps Putin in power, he’s switched to Plan B, which will serve him just as well: destroy the US as a world power by destabilizing it internally. A second American civil war would be the gift that keeps on giving... to him.
Please rec and share. The mainstream media needs to be reporting on this. The German Marshall Fund of the United States has given us a great tracking tool showing what the fuckers are doing, so CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo etc. should be following it. Let’s get as many people aware of this as possible!
I have taken to tweeting “#RUSSIABOTWARNING: topics now being influenced:” with a list of them then the Hamilton 68 link, so the tweet shows up on all of them. I’m thinking of creating a Twitter account named Russiabotwarning so I don’t waste 17 characters and so can list more topics. I wonder if anyone else is interested in making this a collective twitter account that multiple people can use, then promoting it to gain followers. It would be nice if these tweets were sitting on top of these topics when people searched them.