An overwhelming majority of American voters not only support legislation allowing Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients to stay in the only country they’ve ever known as home, but also say that Congress should make passing it a top priority. From Politico:
54 percent of voters want Congress to establish a path to citizenship for DACA recipients, and another 19 percent want Congress to allow them to stay without establishing citizenship.
“Not only do a majority, 73 percent, of voters want legislation protecting Dreamers from deportation, a majority want Congress to make that a priority,” said Kyle Dropp, Morning Consult’s co-founder and chief research officer. “Overall, 65 percent of voters say protecting Dreamers should be either an important or top priority for Congress.”
“68 percent of Trump voters want Congress to pass legislation that lets them remain in the U.S. in the new poll,” POLITICO reports, finding that among Republicans overall, support for deporting immigrant youth is dropping:
In last week’s poll, 24 percent of Republicans thought DACA recipients should be deported; this week, 20 percent think Congress should codify that policy.
“The polling data largely stand in contrast to [Jefferson Beauregard Sessions IIII’s] statement last week,” noted Politico, referring to when America’s most racist Keebler elf spread anti-immigrant lies and misconceptions about DACA youth while claiming to be rescinding the program in the interest of Americans.
But the data only affirms what the general public believes: immigrant youth are Americans, and this is where they belong. Pass a clean DREAM Act now.