We can’t compare apples to oranges. I get that. You get that. But, I doubt whether Trump and his racist supporters understand the first thing about human psychology. And they’re certainly clueless when it comes to self-awareness and introspection. That is why reporters can get away with using the euphemism “the politics of resentment” to describe raw bigotry on the part of Trump and his followers. Last night I was watching MSNBC and a young DREAMER was being interviewed. She was talking about her dreams and aspirations and educational and future professional plans. That’s when it struck me.
This young woman’s media presence was inspiring for people like me (and you), but it probably made Trump-style racists physically nauseous. They see themselves as being bonafided, genuine Americans. They don’t see why they should be penalized for believing that a college education is nothing but liberal propaganda; dinosaurs really did co-exist with humans; and yes, the planet is 6,000 years old. Why should that Obama daughter be accepted at Harvard when their three kids are opioid addicts and now they have to listen to an illegal alien spouting off about her hopes for the future. The Latina bitch should have her ass dragged back across the border tonight!.
Please understand, I’m not belittling the tragedy our nation faces because of the current opioid problem. But what many folks, and I mean progressives, fail to understand, is the sheer psychopathology of racism, the way it twists people to ignore the successes of whites, but whenever they see a minority doing better than themselves, they become enraged.