Personally, I’m a gun control advocate. But I won’t get into that now. Teenagers who bring weapons to school and slaughter their classmates, are not grounded in the real world. Why is that? The racial values of their families and communities have insulated them from the anxieties and suffering inherent in life. These white kids need black kids in their lives, Latino kids in their lives, Muslim kids in their lives, immigrant kids in their lives. They need real life in their lives.
Thursday, Jan 25, 2018 · 2:25:54 PM +00:00
Constance Hilliard
Just to clarify. Of course gun control is the problem that this militarized society has no intention of confronting. But I was just taking a moment to reflect on a cultural aspect of the problem. Why do these school shootings happen in white suburban and rural schools rather than inner city black schools? The latter have their own problems. But what can we learn from these cultural differences that might be useful in reducing these tragedies?