Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen is a pathological liar. She lied about the barbaric “zero tolerance” policy, tweeting back in June that “we do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period.” Back here in reality, she signed off in it. The day after that lie, she again lied about family separation, this time to reporters during a White House press briefing, asking “why would I ever create a policy that ever does that.” But you did, secretary. You kidnap children. She’s still lying about it, this time to Congress during a Senate hearing earlier Wednesday:
“We do not detain children,” she says as Trump officials have a record number of migrant kids under custody. “We do not detain children,” she says as Trump officials are expanding a so-called “temporary” prison camp for migrant kids by the thousands in the Texas desert. “We do not detain children,” she says as Trump officials seek to eviscerate court standards in order to detain kids indefinitely. “We do not detain children,” she says as Trump officials continue to have more than 100 separated migrant kids in custody, in blatant violation of a federal judge’s order.
Kirstjen Nielsen is a shameless liar, and administration officials are so comfortable with this pathological Trumpian dishonesty that liars like Nielsen can go in front of Congress, blatantly lie to their faces, and carry on like nothing without any repercussions their party. She’s a disgrace, and the Republican legislators enabling her are a disgrace. She needs to resign, her enablers need to be voted out, and we need to get in a new Congress that will finally hold those who threw children into cages accountable.