When he was asked if he was “bothered at all” by the actions of the MAGA Bomber —
the chronic Twitter Bully answered flatly: “No, not at all. No.”
(This answer was apparently before someone gave him the Both-sides-ism’s Bernie Sanders talking point.)
“There is no blame. There is no anything.”
… how presidential of him, “In Trumpland: ‘The buck stops nowhere.’”
Unfortunately, for the chronic liar — his Twitter history, indicates there is indeed a “Anything” … there is indeed something to blame, in how he has personally targeted the victims of the MAGA Bomber.
For all his followers to see.
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Trump attacks James Clapper:
Trump vaguely threatens Cory Booker:
Trump actually threatens Joe Biden:
Trump slanders Robert De Niro:
Trump litigiously threatens Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
Trump lists Maxine Waters as a threat to the Economy:
Trump blames Eric Holder for the lack of racial progress:
Trump slams John Brennan as a Witch Hunt instigator:
Trump attacks Kamala Harris, by virtue of her tough questions for Kavanaugh:
Trump distances himself from his attacks on his favorite foil — “the enemy of the people”:
Trump promotes — without evidence — George Soros conspiracy theories, to discount the Me-Too protestors:
Trumps attempts a switch-a-roo, by repeated attempts at calling the Clintons the REAL Russian colluders:
Trump slams “Obama people” as the reason he is now under investigation:
Trump attacks Tom Steyer, even after he got his MAGA package through the mail ...
Of course, Trump does not blame his own words or actions, for anything. Not ever.
Trump sees himself as beyond blame.
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When the American president says:
“There is no blame. There is no anything.”
Isn’t that the same thing as saying — There is no accountability.
There are no consequences, that he will ever take ownership of.
IOW, it’s his followers' own fault, for taking him at his dishonest words …
(10% Middle-class Tax Cuts before the Election, anyone?)
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PS. The both-sides-ism response of the GOP to hide behind Bernie Sanders, is wrong.
Bernie Sanders never advocated for violence.
Bernie Sanders never compiled an Enemies List.
Bernie Sanders never called anyone the Enemy of the People.
As evidenced by the above Tweets, and his rally exhortations — Trump has done all these things.
And Trump thinks his track-record of Bullying, “is not anything.”
Because we all are supposed to know, “In Trumpland: ‘The Bully is never to blame.’”
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