Roses are red
Violets are blue
Valentine’s Day is next week
So here’s an appropriately themed statehouse update for you
… sorry.
Love is in the air in state legislatures across the country, and by “love” I mean that 41 statehouses are currently in session, and they’re all just awash in sexy things like holding public hearings on bills and passing resolutions honoring local sports teams and voting on legislation.
Shhhhhhhhhh don’t judge my perception of sexy. Everyone’s got their own thing.
But everyone thinks winning is hot. And Democrats are positively on fire.
Burning Love: This past Tuesday, Democrats flipped yet another state legislative seat from red to blue. (It’s Democrats 35th state legislative pickup of the cycle.)
Campaign Action
Want to feel the heat of more special elections? Next week features five contests on back-to-back days—two seats in Minnesota on Monday, Feb. 12, and seats in Florida, Oklahoma, and Georgia on Tuesday, Feb. 13.
Draw Me Two Times: Pennsylvania Republicans did not take late January’s state Supreme Court ruling against their gerrymandered congressional maps well.
If you’re just now tuning in, yeah, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court found that the state’s outrageous Republican gerrymander violated the state constitution’s guarantee of “free and equal” elections. It was rad.
Histrionics? Sounds like it. But threats are only idle until they’re not, and Pennsylvania’s Republican lawmakers have both the means and the motivation to make impeachment happen.
Here’s how they could do it:
Here’s why they could do it:
- Democrats have a 5-2 majority on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and Republicans have almost zero chance of flipping the court back to a GOP majority before 2021.
- In 2021, a commission of two Republicans, two Democrats, and a fifth member agreed upon by the other four create new state House and Senate maps.
- If (when, let’s be real) the two Republicans and two Democrats fail to agree upon that fifth tie-breaking member, the state Supreme Court steps in to select the member. A Democratic-majority Supreme Court is likely to select a tiebreaker who will reject any map that unfairly benefits Republicans.
- Additionally, legal challenges to the state House and Senate maps are normally handled by the state Supreme Court, placing another anti-GOP gerrymander trump card in Democrats’ hands.
The Democratic majority on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court thusly constitutes an existential threat to Republicans’ lopsided majorities in the the state legislature.
Stay tuned!
When A Voter Loves A Woman (candidate):
...can’t give his vote to no one else
He’d trade the GOP
For the good thing he’s found
Ugh sorry bear with me
- Much (deserved) hay was made of the surge of women candidates in Virginia last year.
But this phenomenon is definitely not confined to either Virginia or to 2017.
- In Arizona, Democrats will be running in every House and Senate seat for the first time in at least a decade. Of the 108 Democrats who have stepped forward to run, 50 are women, and 54 are people of color. Most are first-time candidates.
- In Ohio, one of the women who came forward to accuse Donald Trump of sexual harassment is running for a state House seat. She joins a landmark number of Democratic candidates in the state’ for the first time in six years, Democrats are fielding candidates in every single House and Senate seat.
- In Connecticut, political leaders have “never seen anything like it.” Record numbers of women are showing up at candidate trainings, and many are filing to run for the legislature this fall.
(What’s So Funny About) Porn, Love, and Understanding: It’s a free country, and reasonable minds differ on whether pornography is good, evil, chaotic neutral, or anything else.
Porn is many things to many people. What it is not, however, is a “public health crisis.”
- But enough lawmakers in the Kansas legislature are so eager to blame it for the state’s societal problems that they wasted valuable taxpayer resources this week to pass a ridiculous resolution declaring pornography to be “potentially biologically addictive” (it’s not) and a contributor “to the rise of erectile dysfunction in young men” (also extremely not true), just for starters.
...wait, what if pornography is why I’m still single? According to the Kansas legislature, it’s “linked to lessened desire in young men and women to marry.”
Oh wait no actually that’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard
Well, that’s enough bad romance for one week. Don’t forget to tell someone you tolerate that you care!