Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) has managed to really juice his tough re-election battle by losing the endorsement of the National Association of Realtors, and not over a disagreement on some obscure technical aspect of the real estate business. No, Rohrabacher is going to the mat for the right to discriminate against LGBTQ home buyers:
“Every homeowner should be able to make a decision not to sell their home to someone (if) they don’t agree with their lifestyle,” Rohrabacher told an Orange County Association of Realtors delegation at a May 16 meeting in Washington, D.C., according to Wayne Woodyard, a former Orange County Realtor president who was at the event.
On Thursday, Rohrabacher confirmed the accuracy of the sentiment, and added that homeowners should have the right to “choose who they do business with.”
“We’ve drawn a line on racism, but I don’t think we should extend that line,” Rohrabacher said.
“A homeowner should not be required to be in business with someone they think is doing something that is immoral.”
Immoral like being married under the laws of these United States? Immoral like wanting to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a house in Orange County?
It's not clear what large constituency Rohrabacher thinks exists for drawing this particular line in the sand, but the National Association of Realtors—not known as a radical left-wing organization—was not going for it, and has rescinded its encouragement to its members to donate to Rohrabacher. How sad.
Take back the House! Can you give $1 to elect a Democrat in each Daily Kos-targeted House district—including Dana Rohrabacher’s?