Donald Trump is dangerously delusional. After his pathetic, weak cowering to Vladmir Putin before a worldwide audience and his kind of, sort of, but not really walk back performance, he held a cabinet meeting in some pathetic attempt to appear strong and in control. As reporters were being ushered out of the room, Donald Trump had the unmitigated gall to declare to all in attendance that “there has never been a president as tough on Russia as I have been.”
Seriously! You can practically hear the eruption of worldwide laughter as these words came out of his mouth.
And while that is something that will probably make you laugh, this isn’t so funny at all. Another reporter asked if Russia was still targeting the U.S. and Trump inexplicably said, “no.” You can see that below, but as Bradley Moss, a national security pointed out, that directly conflicts with what Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats *just* said, that Russia is most definitely still targeting the United States and our elections.
This delusion is dangerous for the country and the world. If Trump doesn’t believe the Russians are engaged in cyber warfare and are actively working to interfere in our 2018 elections, seems clear he isn’t doing anything to stop them. Donald Trump is grossly unfit for duty. National intelligence officials should be walking out the door today, demanding Trump’s resignation.