Michigan could generate 69,000 new job-years by reaching 30 percent renewables by 2027, per a report funded by the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum. The 30% scenario, one of three considered, “was chosen based on the current growth factor of renewables,” and compares to the state’s recent 10 percent renewable percentage.
The analysis calculated that adding 3.1 GW of solar capacity and 4.7 GW of wind capacity by 2027 would generate 5800 job-years per GW in the construction phase. That includes direct job-years (1600 per GW), indirect job-years in supporting industries (2400 per GW), and induced job-years, as direct and indirect wage-earners spend their earnings (1800 per GW).
Over the lifetime of the solar and wind installations, the report also estimated 3000 job-years per GW in operations and maintenance. That includes 1200 direct job-years per GW; 1100 indirect job-years per GW; and 700 induced job-years per GW.
The Michigan Conservative Energy Forum’s website says it favors an “all of the above” energy policy “that includes increasing our commitment to clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency.”
The analysis was conducted by the Hill Group, using the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) model, as well as MIG Inc.’s IMPLAN model.
Will Driscoll, MPA, JD, is an energy and environmental policy analyst who has worked primarily for the U.S. EPA via the contractor ICF Consulting. His recent work is at SaveTheClimate.us.