It's only Monday, Donald Trump hasn't bothered to check in on his day job for days, there haven't been any new indictments of his inner campaign circle in the last week. Nonetheless, he's starting off his week with his coif fully aflame; the reason for it is that 'a lowlife like Omarosa' has been appearing on his idiot box saying unflattering things about him, and this will not stand.
Enjoy this, because it's a sitting president of the United States burping out these things, and the entire national Republican Party, every elected official, mid-tier functionary and paint-licking Republican voter that continues to bring it to you.
Omarosa's sin was a big one, you must understand. She has claimed in recent interviews that tapes exist of Donald using racial slurs. She has claimed that Donald is suffering from a mental decline that his staff is hiding from the rest of the world (this is clearly false, as there is nothing hidden about it). And she dealt another decimating blow to Team Trump's claims of base competence with a recording she herself made of Trump chief of staff John Kelly in the White House Situation Room, the most secure space of the heavily secured building, and if the Trump White House security protocols can be effortlessly overriden by a reality television also-ran than maybe we can retire what about her emails from the political lexicon for approximately for-a'freakin-ever.
This caused the Trump White House to be very publicly laughed at. The situation was only made worse when fellow Trump hanger-on Kellyanne Conway, a flagrant propagandist who should never be booked onto a news program to begin with, got herself tied into knots when asked to name any other African American working in the West Wing now that Omarosa was gone. (She could not.)
So yeah. He's going to melt down. He's going to have a public fit, and nobody can stop him, or will try, because he's a malignant narcissist, a swindler, a crook, and a traitor currently in the throes of a pre-dementia episode and that's what passes for "presidential" among the idiot class.
In this tweet we learn that Donald Trump is quite content to surround himself with "losers" who are "nothing but problems," with "nasty" people who "constantly" dodge their own work, so long as they give him his desperately needed praise. Yes. Yes, we knew that. It has led the nation into constitutional crisis; it is one of several reasons why Donald Trump's cabinet is continually mired in scandal, resignations, and federal investigations.
In this tweet we learn that Donald himself knows his behavior is something between odd and batshit insane, but intends to continue because he cannot help himself. It's the fault of the American press, he says, in yet another public statement that seeks to undermine the very notion of the thing.
Ah, yes. There were stories a half-year or so ago reporting that Donald Trump, unclear on the whole concept of public service or the many, many laws that surround it, demanded soon after his inauguration that anyone looking for a White House job to sign nondisclosure agreements akin to what he required of his Trump Organization employees—agreements barring his staff from saying bad things about him. When these stories first surfaced, the White House denied them because they are lying crooked liars who lie to the public about everything. Then it was proven true.
This was Very Stupid from the beginning because public record and other laws render such agreements largely unenforcible, and if Donald wants to try to sue Omarosa for breach of contract he is very, very welcome to give that a shot and see how it works out for him. But that this point Donald appears to have forgotten that he and his White House were going with the fiction that those papers did not exist, so whatever. How very presidential, and so forth.
All right, so it's another Monday, and once again the sitting "president" is out of his f'king gourd with rage over petty, stupid things and there's not a single staffer surrounding him who can talk him down. Duly noted. Also, for the record, Omarosa is a terrible person, a shallow publicity hound squeezed from Donald's own juices, she may or may not be lying about any of the things she says and nobody, save Donald's most fervent admirers, will give a damn after her own book tour is completed. The nation has much bigger problems—namely, all of them—but since Donald is an idiot man-child who cannot grasp the basics of time zones, much less economic or security affairs, this is all the White House will be able to muster.
In the meantime, the Republican speaker of the House has not a thing to say. Sen. Mitch McConnell, to whom Trump may owe his presidency, thanks to McConnell’s own efforts to delay and stymie public warnings of ongoing Russian intelligence operations, has not a thing to say. And we roll on.