The Trump rally in Tampa Florida, proved that Donald Trump’s supporters are “deplorables,” meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic or Islamaphobic, you name it. (Especially non-thinkers who are easily duped) thinkingblue
Trump approvingly tweets video of his rally crowd harassing a journalist
Trump approvingly tweets video of his rally crowd harassing a journalist
One of the most chilling aspects of the Trump presidency for anyone with a baseline familiarity with history is the way his rhetoric has whipped up crowds at his rallies. The “lock her up” chants against Hillary Clinton, the time a protester was beaten at a campaign event and Trump offered to pay the attacker’s medical bills, the president threatening to “gently” DNA-test Sen. Elizabeth Warren — all of it is cheered by his audience.
The atmosphere had gotten so toxic that at a Tuesday night rally in Tampa, Florida, the president didn’t even need to encourage his crowd. Before his speech, large numbers of audience members harassed CNN reporter Jim Acosta while he was trying to cover the rally — crowding around him threateningly, giving him the middle finger, and leading chants of “CNN sucks.”