A Fox News write up Wednesday of the outlet's latest poll started with a frank admission:
Democrats are in a strong position for the midterms, according to the latest Fox News poll.
And from there, it just kept getting better:
- Special Counsel Robert Mueller is more popular than Donald Trump, by double digits (59-45 percent approval)
- Obamacare is more popular than the GOP tax law, by double digits (51-40 percent)
- The Democratic party is more popular than the Republican party, by double digits (50-39 percent)
- Voters say they are more likely to vote for a Democrat than a Republican, by double digits (49 -38 percent)
- More Hillary Clinton voters say they are enthusiastic about casting a ballot in the midterms than Donald Trump voters do, by double digits (51 - 37 percent).
Even the economy, a relative bright spot for the GOP compared to almost every other factor, isn't viewed all that positively by anyone but Republicans.
Only Republicans give the economy positive ratings (73 percent excellent or good). Most Democrats (67 percent) and independents (67 percent) say the economy is in fair or poor shape.
Best yet, the poll was conducted Sunday through Tuesday, likely before most Americans had time to digest the tag-team Michael Cohen/Paul Manafort bombshells. In other words, it’s not getting better any time soon for Trump and Republicans.