Top of the Democratic list of “talking points” about ending Corruption — should be this:
“You’re damn right,” one Democrat said.
If Democrats win control of the House in November they will finally have the votes to force an issue they’ve been hammering for nearly two years: Making President Donald Trump disclose his tax returns.
Trump was the first major-party presidential nominee to refuse to disclose his tax returns since Richard Nixon and is the first president to refuse to disclose his tax returns (again, since Nixon). This has left a lot of open questions about to whom he owes debts, to which foreign governments he pays taxes and whether he has any foreign bank accounts. Trump has also refused to divest himself of his multi-billion-dollar real estate business, an unprecedented act in the modern political era. That means he still runs a business whose profits, debts and use of tax loopholes are largely obscured from the general public. [...]
Bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers to require future presidential candidates, including Trump, to disclose their tax returns have gone nowhere in their respective committees.
The topic of “Trump’s Tax Returns” is a gift that keeps on giving. There’s several corruption targets buried in those returns, documenting the Donald’s dealings.
However other “corruption targets” are out there too. So many, the GOP thought they’d “document them” for us, in a spreadsheet. This way we won’t lose track of all the stuff, that they cynically condoned … when we sweep them out of office in November.
Here’s the top 3 targets that the GOP knows about — but simply just ignores:
President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution's emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
That’s just off the top of their Trump-condoning heads. Sounds like “stuff” worth investigating to me.
When asked about the “scary spreadsheet” of the the Republican’s “To Do” List for Dems, once we re-take the House — Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) had some choice commentary on the topic:
First, I think voters should ask: If the Republicans are aware of these issues, why aren't they investigating them? Why are they just seeking to bury them or to scare their base about what a Democratic majority would look like? What we are promising people in our campaign this fall is that one of the pillars of our agenda is going to be to scrub out corruption. And that includes conducting all the investigations that Republicans are unwilling to do. They've done a nice job of laying out what is alarming to not just Democratic members but also most Americans when it comes to corruption.
So to those members that survive the wave that I think is coming, maybe winning the House, we're doing them a favor. They're going to have to see their friends lose their seats and that Trump can't save all of them. And then there will be an opportunity to do the right thing when it comes to corruption in a new Congress.
I just remember early on, I wrote legislation to have an independent commission look at what happened with Russia. And one member told me, she said, "I already had my head lopped off for going against him before the November election. I can't afford for that to happen again." To me, that was just acknowledging that she knew that a lot of this stuff was wrong. She wanted to do the right thing but was just not going to stick her neck out there again. Because a lot of them look at it and say, "What do I get out of it?"
— www.salon.com — Aug 30, 2018
According to Rep Swalwell:
The Democratic Agenda is going to be to “Scrub out Corruption.”
I kind of like the sound of that. … Quick, “someone” make a List!
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Vote Blue, before it’s too late.