Christine Blasey Ford revealed a salient detail from her memory earlier today. She said that six to eight weeks after the alleged attempted rape, she bumped into Kavanaugh’s accomplice friend Mark Judge at the grocery store, where he appeared to be employed. According to her, he turned ashen when he recognized her.
Since that testimony,The Washington Post has uncovered a passage in Mark Judge’s book, Wasted, that identifies a brief period when he worked at a grocery store:
In one passage, beginning on Page 92, Judge describes his time working at a grocery store in the context of his drinking problem. Emphasis added.
It was the summer before senior year, and by now, even though I wasn’t drinking every day, I was completely hooked. Going a week without getting drunk was unthinkable. I was spending between four and seven nights with the gang, either at a party or at O’Rourke’s.
Elsewhere in the book, Judge describes one of his acquaintances at the time, someone named “Bart O’Kavanaugh,” who vomited in a car after a party.
Judge continues. Emphasis again added.
Of course, alcoholics also get into all kinds of trouble because of their drinking. When they supersede their own tolerance, they suffer catastrophic hangovers. These can make getting through the day an Olympic event. This was never more evident to me than when, to raise money for football camp, I spent a few weeks working as a bag boy at the local supermarket...…
A bit more sleuthing with the aid of Kavanaugh’s calendars, and the Washington Post is able to posit the likely day of the attempted rape:
Football camp started Aug. 22, 1982. Judge worked for a grocery store for several weeks before that camp, meaning that he probably worked there for a period in late July to mid-August.
Ford said she saw him working at a store between six and eight weeks after the alleged incident. The end of that period — obviously just an estimated window — could overlap with any point of Judge’s tenure at the store. The alleged incident could have been six weeks before Aug. 22, for example, or it could have been eight weeks before the end of July.
That window, it’s worth noting, could include July 1, a day on which Kavanaugh’s calendar lists, “Go to Timmy’s for Skis w/ Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, Squi.” What “skis” refers to isn’t clear, but it might be a reference to “brewskis,” a then-popular slang term for beer. “Judge” refers to Mark Judge; “PJ” to Patrick Smyth, who Ford on Thursday again indicated was also at the gathering where she alleges she was assaulted.
July 1, 1982 was a Thursday. Kavanaugh's says he was hardly around on weekends that summer. Thursday isn't the weekend, your honor.
Hats off to Phillip Bump, the reporter of this story.