So Matt Gaetz, who looks like a bobblehead without the neck spring, led a goofy (and likely illegal) Doolittle raid on our own government yesterday. Yeah, you read about that. If not, here’s a rundown.
Anyway, Gaetz — who is at least 94 percent cranium — nevertheless didn’t have the smarts to see how silly this all looked. He had serious grievances about … something. Maybe the fact that the hearings were being conducted in secret in front of, uh, other Republicans? But Democrats have merely been following protocol, so this was obviously just kabuki theater put on for the benefit of the Prince of Orange.
And now, once again, the world is laughing at us. Or, more accurately, at our Republican half.
Julia Davis is a Russian media analyst who’s written for The Washington Post and The Daily Beast, and she has this urgent dispatch from Putinland:
Holy shit, that’s embarrassing. Russia — whose economy is smaller than that of Texas, FFS — has punked us big-time, and they’re laughing their asses off at our expense. And Republicans just want to keep the joke going.
And boy are they ever living up to that commitment. They’ll do nothing for the Kurds, but to Russia they’re just the gift that keeps on giving.
God bless the Motherland.
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