We are looking at the possible end of Roe vs Wade. Some of us live in states where, in practice, abortion is practically unavailable. Some of us live in states that are considering limiting our access to contraceptives as well. Some of our states want us to be severely punished if we seek out abortions. If the GOP has its way, Roe vs Wade will be overturned in the next couple years.
What can we do to prep for ourselves and our loved ones? Our friends? Our community:? Should we stock up on condoms? Misoprostol? What can we do to prep for this?
On this post: www.dailykos.com/… there is a comment by karenb 123:
The “Option” of a DIY Abortion
……….For women who fought long and hard to legalize abortion and create access to safe, legal abortion within healthcare settings, focusing on DIY abortion care can feel like moving backwards, like a ghost of the Jane Collective, an underground abortion collective of laypeople which arose to provide abortions to women who needed or wanted them, before abortion was legal in the United States, in the latter part of the 1960s. But as The Nation article states, “Finding ways to support those who choose to self-induce abortion does not mean abandoning the fight to preserve access in clinics and hospitals.” www.ourbodiesourselves.org/...
To obtain a medical abortion with Mifepristone and Misoprostol, please go to Women on Web (www.womenonweb.org) and do the online consultation through https://www.womenonweb.org/en/i-need-an-abortion to get a safe medical abortion using Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Women on Web is an on-line medical abortion referral service that will refer your consultation to a licensed doctor. You will also be asked to make a donation of 70, 80 or 90 euros depending on your economic circumstance and where you live, to make sure that the service continues to be available to help all women. You can make the donation using a credit card or bank transfer.
Try to get 12 tablets of Misoprostol in a local pharmacy or from a trusted source. Misoprostol has many different brand names, to find the brand name available in your country please go to http://www.womenonwaves.org/en/map/country.
The use of Misoprostol alone is more than 94% effective
the following is from http://www.sisterzeus.com which i see now she has so enhanced and updated. i used to be, probably still am, a moderator on the listserve for herbal abortion support thru this site. this is just i teeny tiny bit of her whole site.
Herbal Contraception & Implantation Inhibitors some of which can be used for emergency contraception
Symptoms of Pregnancy by the American Pregnancy Association
Early Detection Pregnancy Tests Before using home remedies find out for sure
The following two links are designed to help you determine your risk of getting pregnant at the time you were exposed to sperm, and to help you determine what options might be best for you. The links below these two will help educate about the various alternative methods available.
Determining your Risk of Pregnancy
A Plan of Action What can I do now? What are my best options?
Contraceptive Emergencies
Pregnancy Termination What you should know ~ Herbal Emmenagogues & Abortifacients ~ detailed info on herbs can be found linked here.
Can't afford an Abortion? Check out these resources.
Pregnant and not sure what to do? Pregnancy Options Workbook
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How herbs Interfere with Pregnancy Understanding how it all works
Pregnancy Week by Week Understanding the development of pregnancy and how herbs can influence. by Uni Tiamat
Possible Risks when using herbs If you are considering using herbs - read this. Knowing what can go wrong and what the risks are - is part of making an informed decision. self-poisoning, hemorrhage, incomplete abortion, ectopic pregnancy, changing your mind.
What to expect when considering using herbs for abortion. What to expect physically, what bleeding is like.
Herbal Apothecary - Where to buy herbs, Herbal Preparations (don't know what a tincture or an infusion is?
As liberal, pro-choice preppers, we should be prepared. What can you do to prep for an unwanted pregnancy? Would you be willing to give medicines to someone seeking a medication abortion? Would you be willing to risk jail? Please help me brainstorm about this in the comments.