This post pulls together some of Mark Morgan’s “greatest hits” …
Here Mark Morgan “looks in the eyes” of imprisoned immigrant kids, and “can tell which ones will become M13 Gang members”. Funny, I don’t see “amazing Kreskin” anywhere on his resume.
Expected CBP chief made racist comments about migrant kids
The Lead
Acting ICE Director Mark Morgan is expected to take over as acting head of Customs and Border Protection, according to a DHS official. CNN's Paul Begala calls "hateful, racist" comments Morgan made back in January to Fox News' Tucker Carlson about children in detention facilities shocking.
It appears Mr Morgan has been “auditioning” for the ICE Job for the last year on Fox. There are many examples of this apple-polishing and presidential Trump-mimicry caught on tape. Thanks to the editors of HuffingtonPost, who were kind enough to stitch that together: the Mark Morgan “audition”.
In their clip, Mark Morgan is on tape saying that “immigrants are animals” (just like Trump said).
And Mark Morgan is totally on-board with Trump’s equating of the building of the “Border Wall with our National Emergency” rhetoric.
How Fox News Anointed Trump’s New Border Chief
by Roque Planas, HuffingtonPost — 5/15/2019
[HuffPost Video] [won’t embed]
UPDATE: On Tuesday, the White House removed Mark Morgan from his position as Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and placed him in charge of Customs and Border Protection to replace outgoing Acting Commissioner John Sanders, according to the Washington Post.
“I’ve been to detention facilities where I’ve walked up to these individuals that are so-called minors, 17 or under,” [Mark] Morgan said. “I’ve looked at them and I’ve looked at their eyes, Tucker — and I’ve said that is a soon-to-be MS-13 gang member. It’s unequivocal.”
Migrant kids locked up in Border Patrol custody aren’t put in cages, he insisted more than once. The Trump administration “wasn’t separating families,” it was just following the law, Morgan said. Trump had “no choice” but to declare a national emergency to shore up funds for the border wall, he said.
Towards the end of that previous clip (in link) Mark Morgan decries the use of the term “cages” — calling it merely a Democratic talking point — “they’re not cages, they’re actually really nice facilities,” Morgan in all seriousness proclaims.
If Mark Morgan, the ‘expected’ new acting director of ICE, thinks those cages “are so nice” — maybe he should have his own family stay in one, on summer vacation — since “they are so nice”.
Maybe Mark Morgan will see the inside of a cage himself, before his “animal capture, cage, and deport” act is through. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving Trump Loyalist.
Now that Trump Administration has stooped to crimes against humanity, in our names,
And Mark Morgan intends to continue them, even ratchet up the separation and deportation pressure,
We must resist this anti-American behavior with every opportunity to push-back that we can find.
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This is ALL on his Watch. It is inhumane. It is spiteful. It is immensely Wrong.