The unraveling of the NRA and its PR wing amid accusations of extortion and fraud and mismanagement is a win for us all, if only because it means Dana Loesch doesn't have a job anymore, at least for now.
Estranged advertising team Ackerman McQueen, which operates NRATV, has been cut loose by the NRA, and with it goes Ackerman McQueen employee Loesch, who has been the angry, malevolent face of the NRA. That doesn't mean the NRA won't hire her directly, but for now that doesn't seem to be in the works.
"Many members expressed concern about the messaging on NRATV becoming too far removed from our core mission: defending the Second Amendment," said NRA head Wayne LaPierre, announcing the move to members. "So, after careful consideration, I am announcing that starting today, we are undergoing a significant change in our communications strategy. We are no longer airing 'live TV' programming." Ackerman responded with a hit, saying it was "not surprised that the N.R.A. is unwilling to honor its agreement to end our contract and our long-standing relationship in an orderly and amicable manner," and promised that it "will continue to fight against the N.R.A.'s repeated violations of its agreement with our company with every legal remedy available to us."
So that's fun.