Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat from New York and 2020 hopeful, is running a staunch anti-Trump campaign. Since announcing her candidacy outside of Trump Tower in New York City, she’s gone on Fox News to slam its abortion coverage, talked about white privilege to white voters in Ohio, and advocated the abolition of ICE. Still, many people on both sides of the political aisle continue to label her a centrist.
“I would call BS on that,” Gillibrand told Daily Kos backstage at Netroots Nation. “I am someone who absolutely gets things done, but I never compromise on my progressive values.”
Progressive values are the name of the game at Netroots, the biggest progressive conference in the country. Held this July in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, it saw activists, organizers, and politicians—including some of those who’ve thrown their hat in the ring for the Democratic presidential nomination—gathering to discuss their vision and plans for a better United States. Sen. Gillibrand sat down with Daily Kos to talk about her specific vision, and she didn’t mince words when it came to Mitch McConnell, standing up to her own party, and the importance of making reproductive health available to everyone—not just women.
Her exclusive interview, part of our Making Progress series, is available below, along with transcript.
Question 1: You have the most anti-Trump voting record. How do you feel about still being labeled as a “centrist” by some?
KG: Well, I would call BS on that. I am someone who absolutely gets things done, but I never compromise on my progressive values. In fact, I repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and found the seven Republicans we need to repeal that policy. I've stood up to the banks. I voted against the bailout twice. I've also voted against sequestration, stood up to my own party when they were wrong, 'cause I knew it would cut really important services, like food stamps for people who don't have enough food.
Question 2: You’re great about using gender-inclusive language when you discuss reproductive health. Why do you think it’s an important value?
KG: It's really important that we fight for everyone. And members of the LGBTQ+ individuals, they have every right to have care, to have reproductive services. Our trans men, they need access to reproductive care. They need access to abortion services. They need access to family planning. It's urgent that we fight against President Trump because he intends to overturn Roe v. Wade. He intends to take away women and trans men's reproductive care. He intends to make it illegal and to criminalize reproductive health as well as criminalize the caregivers and the doctors who provide it. He wants to make sure that women don't have constitutional protections. And as president, I will codify Roe. I will repeal Hyde. I will only nominate judges and justices that believe Roe is law of the land, and I will guarantee abortion access in all 50 states.
Question 3: What bill is Mitch McConnell blocking in the Senate that you would most like to see passed?
KG: The 9/11 health bill, these men and women were the brave people who raced up towers when others were coming down. They stayed at the pile, first looking for survivors and their remains for weeks and months, breathing in the air that had horrible toxins, because the EPA said it was safe under George Bush. And now they are dying. Sixteen people died last month alone. These families are going bankrupt because they're just trying to provide the health care that their loved ones need. And so this bill must get passed next week. I don't know what Mitch McConnell is waiting for. These first responders and these community members, they deserve our support, and we need to pass it now.
Bonus Question: What advice would you give your teenage self?
KG: I would tell my teenage self that I need to believe in myself, that I need to not be afraid, to dare to be different. I spent about 10 years working on other people's campaigns, raising money for other candidates before I had the courage to run, and I would have told my teenage self that you don't have to wait. You can do what you want when you want, you just have to have the bravery to do it. Brave wins.
Want more Making Progress videos? We’ve already released exclusive interviews with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Mayor of San Antonio Julián Castro. Next up, we’re sharing an interview with Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington, another Democrat running for the presidential nomination.
Outside of the presidential race, we have dozens of interviews with activists, organizers, and community leaders who are sharing personal stories and unique insights, demonstrating how they’re working to make progress. You can find all of these interviews as they’re released, on the Daily Kos YouTube channel. Check back for a new video every Tuesday!