Welcome to the 773rd original “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” profile, where today we’ll be discussing Virginia Senator Amanda Chase, who represents District 11, and is pictured above using open carry firearms laws to ensure her protection as she submits bills on the floor of the Virginia State Senate, on which she has served since 2015. Chase began brandishing her firearm as a “deterrent” to anti-immigration protesters who she imagined were out to kill her in January of 2019. It’s not that she’s fanatical about guns that we’re concerned about, either. She’s also decidedly against anti-LGBTQ rights, having voted for marriage officiants to deny people same sex marriages, against bills that would prevent racial discrimination in housing, and also voted against bans on gay conversion therapy on minors.
As far back as 2017, people were concerned she was drifting farther and farther to the right, buddying up to former Congressman Dave Brat prior to him getting the boot from Virginia voters in 2018, and how she was openly talking about banning books from the state’s libraries that she took personal objection to. And ejecting anyone from a town hall who had the nerve to disagree with her or Brat.
As far as bad behavior goes, Amanda Chase also has shown herself capable of screaming at capitol police for not getting to park wherever she pleases whenever she wants, and screaming about the Equal Righs Amendment not being applied to her (even though she’s opposed to it?) because of being denied drive-up access to the capitol. Oh, and calling a colleague who she felt was given access “Miss Piggy”. When the incident made the news with the official police report back in April of 2019, she referred to the capitol police as “partisan liars”.
If being a gun fetishist and getting into fights with the capitol police there to protect her aren’t enough of a red flag folks, we would also like to point out that she decided to get on Facebook to boast about her pistol-packing, and used it to point out that she hadn’t been raped, in a way that blamed rape victims for their own assaults:
“It’s those who are naive and unprepared that end up raped. Sorry but I’m not going to be a statistic.” Ah, guess it’s time to reset the calendar for “days since a Republican made ignorant comments about rape” back to zero. But maybe you would expect someone to has referred to her gun as “my own ERA”, and the actual Equal Rights Amendment as “a ploy by the left to eliminate gender altogether”.
Amanda Chase faces off against Democrat Amanda Pohl this November, perhaps the most fitting candidate to take on Amanda Chase after her comments on rape because Pohl is an advocate for victims of sexual assault. This race could be the deciding one for Democrats to take control of the Virginia state legislature, entirely, with the GOP having a 2 seat advantage going into the election, but with another state senator having forgotten to file and run, Democrats only need to flip one other seat. Amanda Chase has been bats*** crazy for the past several years, and with the state trending bluer all the time, she might not be around in 2020. At least… we hope not.
One Year Ago, August 19th, 2018: John Kasich (OH)… 2018 Update
Two Years Ago, August 19th, 2017: John Kasich (OH)… 2017 Update
Three Years Ago, August 19th, 2016: John Kasich (OH)… 2016 Update
Four Years Ago, August 19th, 2015: John Kasich (OH)…Original Profile
Five Years Ago, August 19th, 2014: Joe Wurzelbacher (OH)