A group of Republicans calling themselves "Republicans for the Rule of Law" are finally making themselves useful. They're running ads aimed at Mitch McConnell in the home states of four other Republicans, telling them "don’t let Mitch McConnell stand in your way" and to push McConnell for a vote on election security legislation.
The ad against McConnell hits hard. "Mitch McConnell recently blocked two election security bills from being voted on in the Senate," it starts out, then showing McConnell on the floor saying the Trump administration has made "huge strides on election security and are vigilant and proactive as we head in to 2020." It then asks "Can we trust this administration to defend our elections when our president stood on a stage with the person that attacked America and said 'Putin, he just said it's not Russia,’" followed by a damning 40 seconds of Trump statements dismissing the concerns about Russian interference. "Tell Senator McConnell and tell him," it concludes, "America is relying on you to let Congress do its job and secure our elections." The only thing they leave out is "Moscow Mitch."
The ads will also run in Florida, Missouri, South Carolina, and Oklahoma, aimed as well at Sens. Marco Rubio, Roy Blunt, Lindsey Graham, and James Lankford. But the ads will also run more strategically, running "nearly daily on Fox & Friends starting Wednesday. They’ll also run on Fox News Sunday and NBC’s Meet the Press in the senators' home cities on Sunday as part of a $400,000 ad buy that includes digital ads." The senators have all supported or sponsored various election security bills, and Blunt chairs the committee that has jurisdiction.
One of the members of the group, Bill Kristol, said the group believes the issue deserves a hearing on the floor. “How do you defend not letting these bills come to the floor for debate and discussion?” said Kristol. "What's the rationale for literally doing nothing?" There isn't one, unless it's that it's how McConnell thinks he, and Trump, win again in 2020.
Help get him out. Please give $1 to our nominee fund to help Democrats end McConnell's career as majority leader!