Yes, I do realize that pointing out one more Donald Trump crime-’n’-lie is like posting a notification on Twitter every time you have to go to the bathroom. I mean, it’s just a given, right? But for what it’s worth, yeah, Trump appears to have skirted the law once again.
I’ll let HuffPost White House correspondent S.V. Dáte take this one:
This, of course, jibes with Michael Cohen’s testimony that Trump inflated and deflated his assets to serve his diabolical ends du jour, so the assertion that he ran afoul of the law here is certainly believable — and, frankly, extremely likely to be true.
And, as Dáte points out, Trump once claimed to be worth TEN BILLION DOLLARS, even though no one on the planet besides Trump’s rampaging horde of red hats has ever believed that figure.
So, yeah, another crime.
Must be Tuesday.
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