Federal Prosecutors say bribery schemes took place in a $5 Million apartment CEFC bought at Trump World Tower.
That is the same company, CEFC, and same amount, $5M, Trump is trying to pin on Hunter Biden.
Amazing! Trump, once again, tries to pin things he is guilty of onto other people.
Trump’s new schtick is to have a new questionable figure, Tony Bobulinski, help push the ‘Hunter story.’ Tony Bobulinski has his own legal troubles: Bobulinski owes $634,393.52 to a different Chinese company
Tony Bobulinsk is involved in two legal battles with a company he worked with in the past named, “China Branding Group Limited.” The company sued Bobulinski in the Central District of California federal court in July 2020 in an effort to force Bobulinski to pay them $634,393.52 Bobulinski owes them as a result of a court judgement in the Cayman Islands.
Back to the Chinese Energy Finance Corp, CEFC, paying Trump $5 Million for a Trump Tower apartment.
From New York Times:
From Courthouse News:
Courthouse news writes,
This is not the first Manhattan Federal Court trial involving corruption at the United Nations to feature a Chinese businessman in the starring role and a cameo by Trump’s sprawling business empire.
Six years before his conviction in the same courthouse in July 2017, Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng met with Trump to formally bid for a casino license in Macau – the would-be site of a U.N. complex brought down by corruption.
That CEFC held a unit in Trump’s U.N.-adjacent tower is something more than happenstance: The [Trump] tower is a magnet for foreign cash, where “a third of units sold on floors 76 through 83 by 2004 involved people or limited liability companies connected to Russia and neighboring states,” according to a Bloomberg News investigation.
From US Department of Justice
Just to be clear: Donald Trump got $5 Million from the same Chinese company Trump says gave Hunter $5 Million.
Making this a clear reminder: Anything Trump accuses someone else of, Trump is guilty of.