Tucker Carlson has been attempting to do the dirty anti-journalistic, pro-fascist work, of carrying the hoax water of Hunter Biden-gate for Trump. He’s teased out an interview with Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden’s “ex-business partner.” Surprisingly, even though his Bobulinski interview was going to be explosive and a must-see for American citizens, Tucker decided to tease out the interview, so far, over a few days. I guess American national security needs to compete with Tucker’s pointless ratings. I mean, the MyPillow guy is buying ads no matter what, right, buddy?
Now, on Wednesday, a shocking, deep-state revelation! The special secret documents that Tucker had, showing Hunter Biden’s wheeling and dealing with international companies has “vanished.” VANISHED!!!! Tucker went on his show to say that this package, sent to California, where he was interviewing Bobulinski, was opened and its contents had disappeared. But the mystery deepens from there.
According to Tucker, this “major carrier” did its due diligence and tracked the package at every point. In fact, according to Tucky, this unnamed postal service even interviewed everyone who “touched the envelope we sent,” and they “combed the entire cavernous sorting facility.” They went “above and beyond” in their search for these super secret documents. But, once again, according to Tuckeyfer they “vanished.” In fact, “this trove of materials,” disappearance has left executives at this secret postal service, seemingly “baffled and deeply bothered by this.”
I mean, they should be. It sounds like ghosts. Or gremlins. Or maybe President Obama, in Florida, used special telepathic powers only granted to secret-Muslim communists who were born in Kenya, to make these documents vanish into another dimension? I mean, hey, Occam’s razor, right?