Just over a year ago, Trump made an ass of himself trying to prove he wasn't wrong about the projected path of Hurricane Dorian, even showing a map with a cone clearly hand drawn with a Sharpie. And experts made asses of themselves trying to cover Trump's ass. Because everyone in Trump's orbit is tainted.
And now, it's Trump's doctors' turn.
So, yesterday the Trump disinformation team decided to put together a short video showing Trump rambling semi-coherently, and two photos of Trump hard at work, with folders, pen in hand, reading papers. In two separate rooms. Presumably to demonstrate that he was busy, off and on, all day, in different locations. And his nitwit elder daughter even tweeted how impressive it was, that he was working so hard. Apparently, she still hasn't figured out that there won't be any inheritance.
And then astute observers noted...
Trump wasn't wearing glasses— he needs glasses to read.
The papers and folders appeared to be the exact same, in both photos, from different rooms.
The paper he was signing was... blank.
He was signing with... yes... a Sharpie!
And then even more astute observers noted:
In other words, like everything else this White House and its humiliated minions are spinning about his illness, it was a lie. A couple of quickly staged photo ops. The guy who under normal circumstances spends half his day live-tweeting Fox suddenly is working hard? If true, would that alone not prove how ill and discombobulated he is?