On Tuesday, the Trump administration announced their intention to nominate and appoint a slew of new “key administration posts.” One of those new posts to be filled would be by “Dr. Darren Jeffrey Beattie, of Colorado, to be a Member of the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.” Now, we all know that this administration, beset with white supremacist theologians and hooligans, might make one wonder about any “commission” that would be focused on “Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.” But don’t worry: Dr. Darren Jeffrey Beattie is [looking at notes] a suspected white supremacist and noted bigot!
You might recall that Beattie left his position as one of Trump’s speechwriters back in August 2018, after it was revealed that he had egregious ties to the Mencken conference—a white supremacist hangout of sorts. That combined with his general anti-immigration attitude was just too obvious for the incoherent Trump administration to field. He was a small fire that Trump put out while dealing with the greater garbage fire that was his administration. But Beattie stuck around and has ingratiated himself with the QAnon conspiracy types by arguing, on Tucker Carlson’s news show over the past couple of months, that secret forces were attempting to oust Trump from office.
In the clip below, promoted by Darren himself the day after the elections, Beattie tells Tucker that "What's unfolding before our eyes is a very specific type of coup called the 'Color Revolution.'" If you really want to have your mind blown, Beattie explains the concept of a “color revolution” and it sounds almost exactly like what Donald Trump is attempting to do right now: by contesting an election, sowing division and doubt in the process, promoting civil disobedience about the legitimate results of election, he hopes to wrestle anti-democratic control of a country.
No wonder Trump couldn’t wait to rehire this guy.