The fact that Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is lower than pond scum in the evolutionary chart of morality is not breaking news. The fact that the Republican senator can be best described as what happens when ambition meets zero morals, the excrement of a warthog, and thimbleful of rhetorical training is not a new thought. The reality is that when the history books are written about this era in politics and American history, Cruz will be remembered best for absolutely nothing. He’s been a worthless legislator and a parasite on Sen. Mitch McConnell’s shell for the entirety of his career. End of story.
Since it has become clear that President-elect Joe Biden has defeated Donald Trump to become the 46th president of the United States, and since, as we speak, COVID-19 numbers are reaching their expertly predicted worst heights, news outlets have dug back a couple of months ago into the archives to find some Republican predictions about these two things. Cruz, because he’s a big bowl of bad ideas and statements, made some pretty bold predictions in July to reporters. While standing mask-free in our nation’s capitol, Cruz told the world that not only were Democratic leaders’ public health measures—closing down schools and businesses to flatten the curve—wrong-headed, they were all a part of a political ploy to win the election. In fact, if (and once) Joe Biden won the election, the ruse would be up. Democratic leaders would reveal the COVID-19 pandemic to be a hoax and would reopen everything. There’s video below the fold of him making this very prediction.
This is, verbatim, what Ted Cruz predicted:
SEN. TED CRUZ: If it ends up that Biden wins in November—I hope he doesn't, I don't think he will—but if he does, I guarantee you the week after the election, suddenly all those Democratic governors, all of those Democratic mayors will say, “Everything is magically better, go back to work, go back to school.” Suddenly the problems are solved. You won’t to have to wait for Biden to be sworn in.
A person like this cannot be shamed. The depth of their moral deceit knows no bounds.