Investigator Alison Greene has been suspicious about just how Mitch McConnell managed to be re-elected by such a huge margin. His polling numbers had been scraping bottom, and yet he supposedly beat Amy McGrath by double digits. She also found that some Kentucky counties appear to have more registered voters than people! And there’s more.
She’s just posted her findings on Twitter. Click through for the thread.
Or, check out the recent post at Raw Story, which expands on this, in conjunction with DC Report.
I’ve said before that the cacophony from the Republicans about alleged “deep state” election fraud served several purposes, including drowning out any questions about the races that the Republicans themselves won.
Does anyone else think that some of the supposed Republican wins look hinky?
It may be too late to overturn the elections of McConnell, Graham, and Collins (is it?) but there’s no reason not to at least investigate this further. Because, if it’s true, we need to hold their feet to the fire. Or, at the very least, stop them from getting away with it again.
Saturday, Dec 19, 2020 · 4:00:48 AM +00:00
Well, this blew up. There have been some rather good rebuttals to Greene in the comments. This is what I was looking for when I asked the question in the title.
Unfortunately, this also rather triggered a few hotheads. Flag the tip jar all you want. If the admins see fit to delete this post, so be it.