Welcome to what is the 832nd original profile here at “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” profile, where we’ll be profiling Laura Loomer, an anti-Muslim hatemonger, conspiracy theorist, and general example of what would happen if you fed a cave full of bats Chipotle and Ex-Lax. More importantly, we’re profiling this bigot because she’s also a Republican candidate for U.S. House of Representatives from Florida’s 21st Congressional District in 2020, looking to challenge Democratic Congresswoman Lois Frankel.
Now, if her name sounds familiar, that might be because you remember she’s vile enough in her opinions that she has been banned from virtually every social media platform, including Twitter, which is a TALL order in today’s world. And yet, she managed to pull of that achievement after repeatedly defending Islamophobia as “rational” and that Islam is “cancer”, before she finally sealed her ban by harassing Congresswoman Ilhan Omar with Islamophobic posts (among them accusing her of marrying her own brother to gain citizenship)
Loomer responded to her Twitter ban by marching on the company’s headquarters, handcuffing herself in a door while wearing a Jewish label like what the Nazis would have put on Jews during the Third Reich, and comparing her treatment to “the Holocaust” while also accusing Twitter of carrying out a double-standard for banning people like Alex Jones (deranged conspiracy theorist), Milo Yianappolous (white nationalist that advocated for pedophilia), and Roger Stone (convicted felon and general right wing nut job) that showed they supported Sharia Law (she is bugs*** crazy, don’t try to make sense of that). While Loomer thought this would be a great inconvenience to Twitter, they ignored her and went about their workday. Having been determined enough in her silly idea of a “protest”, Loomer forgot to bring a key to her own handcuffs and soon realized she had trapped herself, and nobody was coming to get her. The NYPD showed up and just put a barricade around her and let her know they weren’t removing her until Twitter asked to press charges, and they said they had no plans to. At that point, Loomer started listing her demands to the police which amounted to, “PUT ME BACK ON TWITTER OR I’LL PEE ON MYSELF!”
”I’m not saying people shouldn’t be banned but why are they banning me? … I think there’s a double standard. It’s egregious, Dorsey thinks I’m a terrorist. I’m not a terrorist If I have to, I’ll pee on myself. I haven’t eaten or drunken today.”
Of course, that’s sillier and far less scary when she threatens suicide over being banned from social media platforms.
This is the sort of idiocy and faux victimhood you would expect from someone who once worked for alt-right provocateur James O’Keefe at Project Veritas, and who got suspended from Barry University for trying to start a “Humanitarian Club” that supported ISIS. (They got caught trying to create the thing that they would be outraged at the university for “creating”, as is often the case with James O’Keefe funded “journalism”.) Meanwhile, she has compared CNN to ISIS. Loomer has denied being a white nationalist because she’s Jewish, but she repeatedly defends other white nationalists and their policies, and can, in the same sentence, use her background in defense and then immediately go into spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about George Soros being a Nazi collaborator.
Loomer is currently leading all GOP candidates in fundraising in the primary for the seat for Florida’s 21st District, but alas, still cannot win any of the frivolous lawsuits she files against people who have the nerve to ban her from their social media platform or mock her deranged behavior online. Before anyone panics at the idea of a twenty-something white nationalist drama queen roaming the halls of Congress, rest assured, even if Loomer does win the GOP Primary against all odds, this district has a +9 Democratic lean in a year when Democratic turnout is expected to be quite high.
If anything, we’re curious to see how much damage she does to the Republican brand. Not that the brand has much value left at this point, with multiple white nationalists running for seats in Florida in 2020.
One Year Ago, February 2nd, 2019: Rob Schaaf (MO)
Two Years Ago, February 2nd, 2018: Brandon Hixon (ID)
Three Years Ago, February 2nd, 2017: Jennifer Carroll (FL)
Four Years Ago. February 2nd, 2016: David Rivera (FL)
Five Years Ago, February 2nd, 2015: Pat Bertroche (IA)