First thanks for reading what is sure to be an inelegant and uneven post. I will die someday. I know that. I hope not soon. But I went into the Urgent Care for severe neck and shoulder pain and she referred me to the ER. There, they found a just under 4cm mixed partially solid/cystic mass on my right kidney.
Good news? I might have caught it early if it is cancer, which is a coin flip from what I understand. My blood work was aces, and I have not lost weight unexpectedly. Bad news? Sometimes neck and shoulder pain is referred pain from metastasis. IS it? I don’t know. Blood work is good sign.
But here is where Obamacare comes in. I was advised to go to ER. But first I looked at my insurance, you know, what was covered, what wasn’t. I saw the out of pocket number-it wasn’t awful. I decided to go.
Had it not been that affordable, I wouldn’t have. I know me. I would have used muscle relaxers and Tylenol until it got out of hand, assuming it isn’t already.
But if we lose, and lose Obamacare and pre-existing protections, I could be left out in the cold to die of metastatic cancer for lack of insurance.
I am already on the books. If I lose protection, they might let me die.
I don’t want to.
And I am not so important. I am just a guy. No more or less important than anyone else. And I cry writing this not because I might die-but because of so many lives riding on Obamacare/Medicare whatever it turns into-if it survives.
I am scared. But I am also determined.
If I can fix this I will. If it kills me then it does. And whatever time I have left, hopefully a lot, must be dedicated to preserving and advancing healthcare. To my deathbed if need be, I will fight. But the world needs to know that I have a chance to live because of President Barack Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and all the brave Democrats who stood up to Fox News to win us healthcare.
He is the best President of my lifetime. Maybe of all time.
Full stop.
This is so much more important than me. This is Us. I am an “Us” guy. Let’s win this for “Us.”
“Us” deserves to live.
And thank you Barack and team. I and “Us” love you and yours.