The best antidote to hot takes is hard data, and the March Daily Kos/Civiqs poll is here with your cure. This month’s survey of 1,441 registered voters was conducted online from March 8-11 and reveals that 18% of Americans already know of coronavirus cases in their local area and a further 62% believe that a local outbreak is a little, moderately, or very likely. Only 24% of Americans are unconcerned about a coronavirus outbreak in their local area.
Other noteworthy findings in this month’s poll include:
- Huge majorities support requiring employers to provide paid sick leave (70%) and paid maternity and paternity leave (67%) to their employees.
- Healthcare policy (55%) and Supreme Court nominations (72%) are extremely important to most Americans when deciding which presidential candidate to vote for this November.
- Both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden best Donald Trump in head-to-head matchups (49-46% and 48-46%, respectively).
- Americans think that Joe Biden would be more successful than Bernie Sanders at passing and implementing his agenda if elected president, 43% to 18%.
- Democrats prefer Joe Biden (50%) over Bernie Sanders (37%) to be president of the United States.
Additional issues surveyed include satisfaction with the government’s current response to the coronavirus outbreak, expanding the Affordable Care Act, and Fox News and MSNBC viewership.
March’s findings demonstrate that Americans from both parties strongly support paid medical and parental leave and that Supreme Court nominations are an extremely important presidential election issue to both Democrats and Republicans.
This month’s survey reinforces that frequent Fox News viewers are deeply disconnected from mainstream Americans. While just 29% of all Americans are completely satisfied with the U.S. government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, a whopping 69% of faithful Fox viewers are. And while 48% of Americans are extremely or moderately concerned about a coronavirus outbreak in their local area, just 29% of frequent Fox viewers share that concern.
Civiqs is a survey research firm that conducts scientific public opinion polls on the internet through its nationally representative online survey panel. Founded in 2013, Civiqs specializes in political and public policy polling. Results from Civiqs’ daily tracking polls can be found online at