Hey y’all, I hope everyone is safe and healthy! I have mild symptoms so I can’t be helping as a therapist in my physical community, which is driving me nuts. But maybe I can help here. There are probably people in our online community who are freaking out, so here is a place we can support each other. I am stuck at home and can’t be at my day treatment job, though the schools here in Oregon closed starting yesterday. My agency had planned to continue providing day treatment at schools and community services, starting tomorrow. Now they are saying just Wednesday-Friday this week, then we shut down for a couple of weeks. Since all the youth struggle with behavior, this will be a hardship for parents.
I’ve been pretty busy since I started my dream job last spring but I’ve been reading you guys and keeping up. I will post now and if you are anxious, or even if you’re not, let’s live blog this motherfucking pandemic!
Update: I’m not suggesting that everyone should be anxious! You do you! But wash your hands.