The tweet, dripping with sarcasm, is here:
My initial reaction when it was discussed on Morning Joe:
This morning Joe Scarborough said that if any CEO tweeted something like this they'd be fired.
Clinically it is a perfect example of the Dark Triad where Machiavellianism is as important a component as being a psychopath and malignant narcissist. It is yet another example of his sarcastic sadism reflected in what he thinks is funny.
I suspect he deliberately tweets and says such things to provoke outrage. It just is his scorpion nature (see my diary right).
Whether he’s gaslighting, outright lying, or lashing out at his enemies Trump manifests a constellation of personality characteristics that eventually perhaps the American Psychiatric Association will rewrite their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual with chapter for Trump due to his unique psychopathology. This would include not just extreme narcissism and sociopathy but also pathological lying, paranoia, impaired reality testing, poor impulse control, frotteurism, sadism, possible delusions, Illeism, and being a "rageaholic" and anger addict.
So far 27,000 people “liked” his tweet, a sad commentary on a segment of the population.
Not me. Here’s my reply:
Most of you have heard the term malignant narcissism applied to Trump. It is the psychological syndrome comprising an extreme mix of narcissism, antisocial behavior, aggression, and sadism. Suck people are grandiose and always ready to raise hostility levels. They dehumanize the people with whom they associate.” Wikipedia
The Dark Triad is a more apt description of Trump because it adds the component of Machiavellianism. Read more about the Dark Triad on Wikipedia.
This is how Wikipedia describes Machiavellianism:
In the field of personality psychology, Machiavellianism is a psychological trait centered on interpersonal manipulation, unemotional coldness, and indifference to morality. Though unrelated to the historical figure or his works, the trait is named after the political philosophy of Niccolo Machiavelli.
It is one of the dark triad traits, along with narcissism and psychopathy.
Stepping away from psychology, you can say that Trump is Evil Incarnate.