Any damage likely has been done, but it can be overcome.
A top Democrat and Warren confidant said she deserved the time to come to a decision on her own and shouldn't be pushed from the race. But the reality is clear: She has no path.
She does deserve that time.
The happiest I was this season was when Warren and Sanders worked together in a debate to defend M4A. I donated to each that night.
Before candidates announced, I wanted the two of them to get together and pick one, and I did not care which one, but that did not work out.
So give her time.
I have my preference on what she does, but she will decide on her own. If she does drop out, I cannot imagine her endorsing the person racist & sexist Mike Bloomberg endorsed today.
If she drops out, she either will endorse Bernie or choose neutrality as in 2015-16.
But she may continue also.
We’ll see.
Update I: