Donald Trump’s daily coronavirus task force report sessions have been an unhealthy public disservice from the start. Every day Trump comes out to the press, the United States is a little worse for it. Whether it’s the bald faced lying, the misinformation, the gaslighting history, or the random useless non-experts paraded in front of cameras, there’s nothing worthwhile coming out of this low-minded conman’s mouth. On Monday, April 13, whoever is writing CNN’s chyrons, the short information captions that run at the bottom of the screen, had had enough.
As you can see from the image above, the results were extraordinary.
There’s only so much of Trump’s words one wants to write before they just cut to the chase.
LIke Trump’s inability to reckon with his shortcomings.
His gaslighting.
His inability to control his emotions.
And the all-around swampy nature of Trump’s presidency.