The entire thing is at this here click-nozzle, but down yonder is a snippet for the ol’ rods ‘n’ cones:
In hard-hit states such as New York, although hundreds of COVID-19 deaths are still occurring daily, hospital admissions appear to have plateaued. Credit might be due to effective physical distancing measures that limit community mobility. But progress in preventing the spread of COVID-19 has come with economic havoc—at least 17 million Americans are unemployed, a number that could ultimately surpass the Great Depression, and take years to correct. A new impasse is forming around the Trump administration's eagerness to boost the economy by lifting restrictions, just as mitigation efforts by the states are yielding results. The degree to which the USA stalled in taking aggressive action to curtail the spread of COVID-19 is directly the product of an administration marked by consistently poor timing, intent on making decisions in favour of economic interests instead of those that are guided by science and to protect health. The rush to reopen the country puts dollars over deaths.
The Lancet, of course, is one of the most venerable medical journals in the world, whereas Donald Trump is a wet, flaccid sack of ape turds.
So who are you going to believe? Not Donald Trump, I gather.
Have a happy whatever day this is. I’m just about to catch my second weed.
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