Dr. Fauci agrees with the Stay at Home stratagy most states have put in place, and strongly says we should be doing it nationwide.
Anderson Cooper asks if it wouldn’t make more scientific sense to have a national Stay At Home order.
Dr. Fauci starts out by saying: ‘I think so Anderson. I don’t understand why that’s not happening” and concludes with“I just don’t understand why we’re not doing that. We really should be”
Trump took offence to Dr Fauci presuming to say what is the medically best course of action for the nation to follow. Because of course only Trump can fix it, in Donald’s infantile mind. So accordingly Dr. Fauci was removed from today’s ‘briefing' for fear he would show more signs of disloyalty to the First Man-Baby.
And there goes the most trusted member of the whole Trump Administration. Dr Fauci is now on Trump’s non-sycophant list (someone not to be trusted).
I did see Dr Fauci interviewed at the CDC on CBS today. Will that stop too?