On Monday evening, before the Washington, D.C. curfew took effect, Donald Trump ordered federal police to violently attack peaceful protesters outside the people’s house so that he could leave his bunker for a photo op at a nearby church. Ordering police brutality, in response to a protest about police brutality.
It was, without question, one of the most shameful moments in the entire history of this country, antithetical to everything this country is supposed to stand for (but has never actually achieved). And it was clearly done because Donald Trump didn’t like being mocked on social media after reports surfaced that he hid in the White House bunker on Friday evening as protesters raged and ranted outside the White House.
Please chip in $3 to help us send these Trump bootlickers out for a permanent lunch.
The response to Donald Trump’s attack on peaceful protesters and the First Amendment have largely fallen into two starkly different camps on Capitol Hill. In one camp, you have those who saw it as a gross abuse of power, completely divergent from American ideals. In the other camp you have these Republican responses. NBC News Capitol Hill reporter Kasie Hunt was able to get these Republicans on-the-record. Apparently many of them have been hiding in their own bunkers or don’t have access to the internet. Or television. Or newspapers. Or phones. Or a conscience.
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Oh, Sen. Lisa Murkowski is starting to develop the Susan Collins’ syndrome. She’s so disappointed.
And Ted Cruz, who recently was so upset about tyrannical rule that he violated Texas shelter-in-place orders to get one of the world’s all-time worst haircuts, had this to say:
Every single one of the Republicans above had the power to remove Trump in January, but they chose not to.
Every single one of the Republicans above has the power today to remove Trump, but they choose not to.
Every single one of the Republicans above are watching this country be torn apart, and they have chosen to turn their backs on all of us. To turn their backs on the Constitution and the promise of this country.
Needless to say, the responses from Democrats were far different. Here are a few for contrast: